If you've landed on this page, then you're likely searching for information about bail bonds. Specifically, you require facts regarding domestic violence bail bonds. Take a deep breath; you've come to the right place!

At 24 Hour Online Bail Bonds, we are here to help you get past this difficult time in your life. Our skilled, professional, and experienced staff knows exactly what you’re going through; we’re going to assist you. Further, when you inquire about our services, you can rest easy knowing that we never judge or criticize. Accidents happen. Mistakes happen. It’s not our job to tell you what’s right or wrong, only to offer guidance and aid you in moving forward.

One effective way to ensure that you feel comfortable—or as comfortable as possible—with your situation is to provide you with facts. You need to have all the facts, which will hopefully avoid any surprises. That is our main goal with this article: to give you knowledge that will eventually lead to some sort of peace and understanding.

As such, we’ve put together a list of frequently asked questions regarding bail and the bail procedure, particularly domestic violence bail bonds. Listed below, these questions (and answers) will give you a deeper insight into what to expect as this process plays out.

If you have any questions or concerns at any time, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Remember, you don’t have to face your challenges alone. We are here for you. Additionally, there are other resources available on our website, including our blog, which we update frequently.

Take a look at the following information, and don’t forget: You’re not alone.

Do You Offer Bail Bonds for Domestic Violence Charges?

In a word, yes, at 24 Hour Online Bail Bonds, we do offer bail bonds for domestic violence charges. Better yet, for cases involving domestic violence (and all other cases, too), we provide fast, discrete, confidential bail bonds services. To be even more specific, we work with cases involving domestic violence, corporal injury of a spouse, domestic abuse, spousal abuse, PC 273.5, and restraining order violations.

In fact, in the State of California, domestic disputes are rather common. The truth of the matter is this: The majority of the time that police are called to investigate a domestic dispute, someone is going to be arrested and taken to jail—even if it’s just an argument without any sort of physical contact.

Due to the 1995 O.J. Simpson case, a new legal precedent was set in the State of California, which has changed how the police and judges view domestic violence crimes. Arrests are common in these types of cases since if an individual is injured after the police leave the scene, a lawsuit could arise.

Bail for domestic violence cases throughout California is often $10,000 for a misdemeanor offense (Penal Code 243(e)), or $50,000 for a Felony (Penal Code 273.5). A felony is generally charged when evidence of physical harm has been done to one or more victims.

How Much Do Domestic Violence Bail Bonds Cost?

In California, the price of a bail bond is determined by various factors, including location, the nature of the charge, and prior offenses. However, in most cases, the cost of the bond is between seven and ten percent of the bail amount.

Please note that when it comes to bail bonds, we offer free price quotes and payment plans, as well as discounts for all members of the military.

What Types of Payment Do You Accept For Domestic Violence Bail Bonds?

When you are in a situation where you need assistance (i.e. a bail bondsman to help get you out of jail while you wait for your trial date), we know that you are already facing a variety of difficulties. Therefore, we want to do everything we can to make the bail process as simple as possible. That is why we accept a range of payments for our services.

When it comes to the method by which you want to pay for your bail bond, we take the following:

  • Credit Cards
  • Debit Cards
  • Cash
  • PayPal
  • Venmo
  • Zelle
  • Bank Transfers

For your convenience, you can make a bail payment online or over the phone.

Are There Different Types of Domestic Violence Bail Bonds in California?

Yes, there are different types of bail bonds in California. There are many, including:

  • Cash Bond—Bail is paid for in full with cash, a certified check, credit or debit card, or a money order
  • Surety Bond—A surety bond refers to when a family or friend contacts a bail bond agency to help get a defendant out of jail via a bond
  • Property Bond—Property is pledged to the court on behalf of the defendant, much like a lien, and held until the end of the case
  • Own Recognizance—When a judge allows the defendant to be released from jail without bail
  • Federal Immigration—Federal bonds are necessary when a defendant is detained by the Immigration and Naturalization Service; these bonds have the highest bail bond fee percentage

How Do Bail Work for Domestic Violence?

Bail bond agencies, like 24 Hour Online Bail Bonds, are generally open or at least available for you to contact twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. This makes sense, as arrests can happen any time—day or night.

Once it’s been determined that a bail bond will be used to get the defendant out of jail, paperwork will need to be signed. This paperwork details the collateral used to purchase the bond, the fees involved, and who is responsible for ensuring the defendant shows up to all court proceedings.

For the bail agent to set up the bond, the agent will need the full name of the defendant, the booking number, the charge or charges the defendant is facing, and the location of the jail. Then, the bail agent will bond the defendant out of jail. This entire process can take several hours, depending on how busy the jail is.

If the defendant fails to show up to his or her court proceedings, the person who took out the bail bond stands to lose their collateral and faces additional penalties.

Contact 24 Hour Online Bail Bonds Now

Remember, we provide discrete, confidential services and never share information with any outside agencies. Additionally, we offer fast and easy payment plans. In many cases, collateral isn't needed. We'll beat most advertised prices and can be reached 24/7—by phone or online, 365 days a year.

Feel free to contact us today if you still have questions, or if you’re ready to secure our services.